You get to make memories and be up close to the action. You are also a key factor in keeping our event safe for riders and spectators. You have the possibility of meeting a pro rider or better yet cheering on your favorite riders or meeting new people in some of the most beautiful views in Idaho City. If you are wearing a clever costume, give out hugs or motivational shouts, make BLT sandwiches or something unforgettable then you will soon become a rider favorite or possibly even a legend - you will know it when they start asking for you by the rider nickname they create to describe you.
You also become part of the traditional and mountainous magic that is IDC 100.
The best way is to reach out to any Boise Ridge Rider member and offer to help with their section or duties 1-2 months before the event or ask to be introduced to the captain of the area you are interested in. Many positions require training or riding a dirt bike designated section with a member prior to being able to perform those duties. There are also many positions that do not require riding a dirtbike such as registration, start/finish, impound, special test scoring, start/finish, club photographer, equipment preparation/maintenance, and radio team are great ways to get involved and fill up fast.
Volunteers are requested to attend the two volunteer meetings Friday/Saturday at 9pm at the Ray Robison Community Hall. We go over timing details, confirm assignments, announce any changes, and ask for help. When an opening is announced raise your hand and volunteer for a specific position such as road crossing, road/trail marking repair, grass track repair, start/finish assistance, or gas can loading/unloading.
Be prepared to work in any weather condition for two long fun-filled memorable days. Depending on the positions you could be out there between 7am-7pm so eat breakfast and pack a lunch. You must coordinate with your captain to know your specific times. Most volunteers perform the same role on both days to create consistency and incorporate lessons learned.
Get most of your partying done Memorial Day Weekend and get lots of rest Friday and Saturday night. It is Idaho so it can be 40-100 degrees so dress in layers and bring a hat and hydration as well as boots and a rain jacket.
You must know your captain's name and the position/location/times you are working.
Arrive at the Ray Robison Community Hall Friday between 4 pm-7pm and enter through the right door labeled "Volunteers". Read and sign the AWA Waiver, then complete the volunteer registration with your position details and your preferred t-shirt size.
Once confirmed you will receive one IDC 100 Worker T-Shirt and one Meal Voucher worth $10 at participating Idaho City businesses. Remember there is no change from vouchers and no purchase of gas, alcohol, or tobacco items.
If you are interested in becoming a Member then complete a membership application and pay $25, see the Join Us page. You will then be a "Prospect" until you complete the membership requirements and are voted in at the July Members meeting. As a Prospect you are encouraged to attend BRR meetings so we can get to know you, however, you will not have voting rights.
Our youth event is fairly new and can always use extra hands and cheers to encourage these riders on.
Grasstrack is a great place to learn how a reliability enduro works. It is a great fit if you are only available the day of the event or before/during/after event support. Many members/volunteers work the event and also help with the grass track pre/post-event.
It is a highly recommended assignment (not required) for Prospects, non-dirtbikers, UTVer's or dirtbikers with youth, new riders, or those who wish to enjoy nature together with friends and family.
Our grass track event has all the action, fast riding, falls, spectators, media, and more. We can always use extra volunteers to pound stakes, repair ribbon, direct traffic, pull ribbon, clean/cover-up/reseed course and stack/band stakes post-event. Joining the grass track team will surely make you feel like you belong...oh shenanigans happen here too.
If you are not sure where to start simply call or email us and we will connect you with a member who would love your support.